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Archive of General Sir Archibald Hunter GCB GCVO DSO TD LLD
at the King's Own Royal Regiment Museum, Lancaster.

General Hunter appointed Governor of Gibraltar.

Letter to Hunter from Lieutenant General Sir A S Wynne, KCB, Military Secretary to the Secretary of State for War, War Office, dated 17 Jun 1910 concerning an appointment as Governor of Gibraltar.

War Office
17 Jun 1910
Dear Hunter
Appointment will be for 5 years. Pay £4,500 from Colonial Funds and £500 [ ] allowance from Army Funds.
You will only have one ADC, not two.
When the King has [ ] offer the appointed officially and the above points will be made clear, but I think I am correct.
Yours sincerely
A Wynne

Accession Number: KO2686/043

Letter to Hunter from Lieutenant General Sir A S Wynne, KCB, Military Secretary to the Secretary of State for War, War Office, dated 8 Jul 1910 concerning Hunter’s appointment as Governor and Commander-in-Chief at Gibraltar

War Office
London SW
8 Jul 1910

Dear Hunter,
Will you be so good as to inform me, confidentially, whether it would be agreeable to you to be appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief at Gibraltar.
This appointment will be vacant in the 1st September next.
Yours sincerely
A Wynne

PS The appointment is for 5 years.

To General Sir A Hunter, KCB, DSO
94, Piccadilly. W.
Received by Hunter 8 Jul 1910.

Accession Number: KO2686/044

He took up the position, but vacated the appointment before the end of the five year term.  Hunter managed Gibraltar in a military fashion and thus upset the civilian traders, Spanish dock workers who were prevented from walking to work through certain areas. 

"I know Gibraltar better and am a better qualified judge than anybody else here - except the Chief of Police and the Colonial Secretary, who experience and opportunities have been wider than mine - on any subject affecting the general order and cleanliness, discipline, traffic, trade, and welfare of Gibraltar.  The Chamber of Commerce takes no time for reflection.  There are other people to be considered in this place besides those engaged in commerce.  The Chamber of Commerce think of nobody but themselves, (mind you, I don't blame them.)  but this fortress is not maintained for purely commercial interest.

There are places I will let civilians go to and there are places I shall prevent them from going to.  There are routes they may follow and routes they may not.  There is a limit beyond which I am not prepared to allow the local press to go.  I see that press censorship is a duty that may soon have to be undertaken...."

".....My views have not altered since I came here.  They are that a fortress in peace should always be ready for war.  In peace time you employ labour here from a source that may not and almost certainly will not by available or allowable in time of war.  It was be as  easy, as I think it would be wise, to bring British labour or labour from the congested districts of India.  I can find room for them by turning other people out.  Remember, this is a fortress.  None of you can deny that."

General Sir Archibald Hunter, 10th February 1913

Letter to Hunter with official notification of appointment as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Troops at Gibraltar, dated 16 Jul 1910

War Office
London SW
16th July 1910
I am directed to inform you that sanction has been given for your appointment as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Troops at Gibraltar, for a period of five years, to fill the vacancy which will occur on the 1st of September next, and I am to request that you will be prepared to proceed and take up your duties on passage being provided for you.
You are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this letter and, after you have embarked, to report the date of your embarkation to this office.
I am,
C F N Macready
Brigadier General
Director of Personal Services

Accession Number: KO2686/045

Sir C F N Macready KCB was Director of Personal Services from 1 Jun 1910.

Copy of oath sworn by Archibald Hunter on taking up the appointment of Commander in Chief and Governor of Gibraltar, dated 4 Oct 1910

I, Archibald Hunter, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King George the Fifth, His Heirs and Successors, according to Law.
So Help me God
(signed) Archibald Hunter
Sworn before me at Gibraltar this 4th day of October 1910
(signed) Bartle Henry Temple Frere, Acting Chief Justice.

I, Archibald Hunter, do swear that I will well and truly serve Our Sovereign Lord King George the Fifth in the Office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the City and Garrison of Gibraltar, and I will do right to all manner of people after the Law and Usages of this Colony without fear or favour, affection of ill-will.
So Help Me God
(signed) Archibald Hunter

Sworn before me at Gibraltar this 4th day of October 1910
(signed) Bartle Henry Temple Frere. Acting Chief Justice

Accession Number: KO2686/046

Letter from the Colonial Office, Downing Street, from Crewe to General Sir Archibald Hunter, dated 10 Sep 1910 concerning appointment to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the City and Garrison of Gibraltar.

“Colonial Office
Downing Street
10 Sep 1910
I have the honour to transmit to you a Commission, passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet, appointing you to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the City and Garrison of Gibraltar.
I also enclosed for your information copies of the documents noted in the margin.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient,
humble servant,

Accession Number: KO2686/048

Earl, later Marquis, of Crewe, was Colonial Secretary from Apr 1908 to Nov 1910

Gibraltar - Instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet, to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the City and Garrison of Gibraltar.
Accession Number: KO2686/049

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